B and D – On the Road

Colorado Springs

We left Alamosa and drove back up to Colorado Springs to spend several days. When we got up to leave it was 27 degrees, by the time we got to Colorado Springs it was in the seventies. It was a beautiful drive back through foothills up this way. The Aspen trees are all turning yellow and the cotton woods are also yellow. Passed a lot of snow fences along the road so I guess they get lots of snow in this area.

Drive through foothills

Drive through foothills

Drive through foothills

Snow fences

We had driven around Denver and down through Colorado Springs when we went down to Alamosa. Since we knew we were going to be back up here Bruce had ordered new tail lights for the coach as we were having a problem with one of the lights, the blinker would no longer work even though he had changed out the bulb. Bruce had checked numerous places over the last two weeks trying to get a replacement and finally called Newmar and had them ship us a couple to this RV park. They came in and he got the bad one switched out. He would like to change them out with LED lights but will wait until we are back in the Houston area and parked for a month in case there are problems with the switch out.

The advantage to this area is that there are lots of places to eat out that we have not seen in months. We discovered that there is a Rudy’s Country Store and BBQ about 10 miles from the RV park. I did not realize they existed out of Texas. We had a late lunch there on Saturday after we got in and set up. Apparently it is real popular in this area, they had a line out the door and a man behind us said it is that way all the time.

On Sunday we drove 69 miles back up to the outskirts of Denver to have dinner at a Pappadeux Seafood. It has been 5 months since we have eaten at a Pappadeux and we really enjoyed getting some good seafood. Sunday night a cold front came through and the wind was horrible. We have covers over the slide outs on the coach and they flapped really bad in the wind and it makes lots of noise, so bad we could not sleep. Bruce shut the slide outs to cut down on the noise so we could try to get some sleep. By morning the wind had quited down and then it started snowing on Monday morning. It wasn’t a real heavy snow but it kept up until lunch time.


Snow on ground outside the coach

Monday night it got even colder, Bruce hooked up our heated water hose so we could leave the coach hooked up to water over night. It was in the twenties when we got up in the morning but it had warmed up by the afternoon and I left to go to a grocery store about 2 miles away and I could go in just short sleeves. Bruce had arranged for a detailing company to come out and wash and wax the coach, I am sure that guy was happy it had warmed up. He was busy working on the coach for about 3 hours. Of course he got two more jobs while he was here. While he was busy on ours he had two men come over and hire him to come do their coaches. He told both he could not do their coaches that day but we did see him out the next day working on one of the coaches.