B and D – On the Road

Myrtle Beach, SC

We are in the Myrtle Beach area, got here on Tuesday and will be leaving on Monday.  We have been in this area before and came back primarily to eat at a restaurant we really liked.  We stopped here in 2016 on the way back from taking a training class at the Freightliner factory in Gaffney, SC.   While looking for a place to eat one night we drove down to Murrells Inlet and discovered there were several restaurants all grouped around what they called the Murrells Inlet Marsh Walk.  We just picked one that had easy parking and started for the front door.  Had a little concern at first as several very inebriated men came walking into the parking lot. I should point out that the name of the restaurant was Drunken Jack’s.  Gave me second thoughts as to what type of place we were entering, it looked fine so we went in and discovered it was a very nice restaurant with a great view over the marsh.  The highlight of the meal was the large basket full of hushpuppies that they serve with your meal.  Very different from the ones we were used to eating.   They did not have onions or corn or jalapeño peppers in them, they were sweet however and were served with a dish of soft honey butter.

Drunken Jack’s has not changed, still serve the same great hushpuppies.  Tried the shrimp and crab fondue this time and would definitely eat it again.   Don’t need a a main meal, just  eat the appetizers.

The marsh walk outside is a good way to walk off your dinner.  It goes along side the other restaurants and out over the marsh.  One of the restaurants has a dance floor where they perform the Carolina Shag.  It was loud when we first walked past and on our return it was even louder, you would think the very large windows were going to blow out from the loud music and the stomping of the feet on what was apparently a wood floor.  Carolina Shag is the state dance of South Carolina and very popular in this area.


Back view of Drunken Jack’s from our visit last year

On the marsh walk

We also visited a Ripley’s Aquarium this week.  A cool way to pass a very hot day.  We tend to travel more in the spring and fall when school is underway so being here in the summer during their peak season is a bit different.  Not only is it hot but very crowded, not a great experience when you are trying to wander through a building with what I called the great unwashed.  Its was interesting but will have to say I enjoyed the Moody Gardens aquarium down in Galveston much better.  Bruce pointed out to me that I enjoyed that better because it was in April and we were in the building two hours before opening time.  We were taking a photography class on underwater photography and the instructor had arranged for us to have access two hours before opening so it would not be crowded.

Below are examples of some of the exhibits.  The Stingrays are for Georgina, I know how much she enjoyed snorkeling with them when were in Grand Cayman.  You can snorkel with these also.



Lots of varieties of sharks and there was one area where you could snorkel with the milder variety of shark.


Close up of shark teeth

Down the throat of the shark

If I had a big aquarium in my home, I would want the following seahorses, very unique looking.




Lots of other things to see but below are some of my favorities.


Close up of turtle


bottom of sawtooth shark




Tree frog

2 thoughts on “Myrtle Beach, SC

    1. Donna Post author

      No, we were not aware you could do that at the aquarium until we were already there so were not prepared for snorkeling. Apparently you can do that at a number of aquariums around the US. We have snorkeled with stingrays while on a trip to Grand Cayman. They are very soft feeling.